Friday, August 8, 2008

Hot Chocolate (with Jaggery)

I am gonna share a recipe (Even though I dont even know where to find salt in my kitchen)

Caution: Its highly sedative. One big glass and thats it! :-) :-) You will fall asleep within 15 minutes and you will get up late next day!

Ingredients: 1/2 litre Milk, Jaggery, Cocoa and Water, a pinch of salt
Serves: 2 (big glasses)

1. Prepare jaggery syrup - Take some jaggery in water, and boil the water until the jaggery melts and you get a syrup.
2. Take about 4 spoons of cocoa, 10 spoons of jaggery syrup, 1/4 glass of water, a pinch of salt. Boil and stir.
3. Add the solution prepared above to milk, heat and stir.

And you are ready with a very healthy and very tasty Hot Chocolate!!!

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