Friday, June 6, 2008

Whats going on?

LOTS to say the least.

I want to go for the YES!+ TTC. And I need a cool 4 weeks off for that. So I just walked in to my manager's cabin and asked me give me a 5 week off, so that I can attend the TTC and also spend a week at home. Well, he was all smiles. And he didnt know what to do. He said he would schedule a meeting with the senior manager.

Now, to add to the fun, TTC calls would not come before 10th. So till then, its ayega, nahi aayega, aayega, nahi aayega...chutti milegi, nahi milegi, milegi, nahi milegi...and I am trying to be calm in all this. I tell you its useless. I try to be calm, I never succeed. Its not an intellectual decision that you make to be calm or to be stressed. Stress happens to you, and peace also happens to you. Sadhna, Seva, Satsang and Knowledge and peace happens to you! Thanks to Guruji! :-) :-)

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