Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Comfortably Snuffed

'Its' an amazing experience, it gets you out of your comfort zone.
But why do you need to get out of your comfort zone ?
I feel free...like I have broken the shackles tying my soul...
Shackles tying your soul...oh yea ?

Hmmm, and then...this intelligent lady had a frog story to tell... [Read 'Khaki Education']
and epiphany happened :-)

You put a frog in boiling water and it would jump out...
You put a frog in regular water and increase the temperature slowly...you would kill the dude!

Every Comfort Zone takes away a colour from our life and we dont even realize...

I look back and I find so much of life that I didnt live...because it would have caused discomfort
...to me, my ego, my emotions, or to my body...

Living in the Comfort Zone has caused two things...
One, it has snuffed out half the fun from life...
...when was the last time you felt like dancing and you danced ?
the very thought caused too much discomfort in the head ?

and Two, whenever the world has conspired to pull us out of our Comfort Zones...
...we have found ourselves miserable ?
Ever felt miserable when the power went off ?

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